
Should I Invest in Real Estate or the Stock Market?

by | Jun 18, 2024 | Accredited Investor, BAM Blog, Blog, Real Estate Investing | 0 comments

Trying to Decide if Real Estate or the Stock Market is the Best Choice for You? Read This.

Making smart investment decisions is important for growing wealth and achieving financial freedom. For investors who are just starting out, exploring your options and weighing their risks and rewards is the best way to protect your hard-earned money.

Here we will answer one of the most common questions among new investors: should I invest in real estate or the stock market?

Both of these options have their merits and drawbacks, but the main difference is that real estate typically involves buying properties and renting them out, whereas investing in stocks involves buying a small portion of a company. [1]

The right choice ultimately depends on an investor’s financial goals, risk tolerance, and personal preferences. However, it is still worth taking a closer look at the pros and cons of each option.

Investing in Real Estate

Real estate investing involves purchasing, owning, managing, renting, and/or selling real estate for profit. There are many ways to invest in real estate as there are different property types to choose from, including residential, commercial, and industrial properties.

Investing in real estate typically means acquiring physical land or property. The investor can then generate steady cash flow by collecting rent from their tenants. Additionally, they can earn money through appreciation by reselling the property once its value has gone up. [2]

Aside from the different property types, there are also several strategies to choose from. Investors are not limited to buying property and renting them out. For example, some investors purchase undervalued properties to renovate and sell at a higher price. Others invest in large commercial developments to benefit from long-term appreciation.

Some investors participate in multifamily syndication for a hands-free investment in real estate. Passive income is achieved by accredited investors who make the decision to work with BAM Capital, by becoming an LP in one of our accredited investor funds. 

The value of real estate investments can be influenced by various factors including location, market trends, economic conditions, and property management practices. For many investors, real estate is appealing because it is a tangible asset that can be controlled. It even has the added benefit of diversification. [2]

While this can certainly be a lucrative investment, successful real estate investing requires thorough research, financial planning, and an understanding of market dynamics to mitigate risks and maximize returns.

Pros of Real Estate Investing

Investing in real estate offers several significant advantages, making it an attractive option for many investors.

One of the primary benefits is the potential for consistent income. Rental properties allow real estate investors to generate a steady cash flow by leasing properties to tenants. This income can be relatively stable compared to other investments, as people always need a place to live. The demand for rental properties tends to remain high, especially in urban areas with growing populations.

Rental income also tends to increase over time, further boosting cash flow.

Over the long term, real estate properties generally increase in value, providing investors with significant returns when they decide to sell. Investors may create forced appreciation by investing in property improvements such as amenities.

Another noteworthy benefit of investing in real estate is that real estate investments can serve as a hedge against inflation. This is because home values and rents typically increase with inflation. [1]

Real estate investments can even offer tax benefits, including deductions for mortgage interest, property taxes, and depreciation. Combined, these deductions can lower an investor’s overall tax liability. All of these benefits make real estate a powerful tool for wealth-building and long-term financial security. [1]

Cons of Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing, while often lucrative, comes with its own set of drawbacks. Investors may find that there is a high level of risk and unpredictability involved. Property values may sometimes fluctuate due to economic downturns, changes in neighborhood dynamics, or shifts in market demand. With that said, real estate investing is still considered more stable than the stock market.

Another drawback is the fact that real estate investments require substantial capital. Their high entry cost tends to prevent a lot of people from investing in real estate. Investors also need to be prepared for ongoing expenses such as maintenance, property management fees, taxes, and insurance. These costs can significantly impact the profitability of the investment. [2]

Owning a real estate property usually means taking on the responsibilities of a landlord. This is why real estate requires a considerable time commitment for its management and upkeep. This could be challenging especially if the investor has no experience with running an apartment community or a rental property. [2]

Investors may hire a professional to handle property management, but this will be another cost to take into consideration.

Investors should also take note that real estate investing lacks liquidity. Selling a property can take considerable time and effort, which can be problematic if an investor needs to access their funds quickly. [2]

Investing in the Stock Market

Multifamily Syndication Real Estate InvestmentIt is safe to assume that more people invest in the stock market because it does not take as much time or money to buy stocks.

The stock market allows individuals and institutions to buy and sell shares of publicly traded companies. This provides an opportunity to participate in the financial growth of these companies. By investing in stocks, investors can potentially earn significant returns through capital appreciation, dividends, and other financial benefits.

However, the stock market is influenced by a myriad of factors including economic indicators, company performance, geopolitical events, and investor sentiment, making it inherently volatile and unpredictable. Successful stock market investing therefore requires a strategic approach and thorough research.

Investing in the stock market can be a highly rewarding endeavor, but investors still need to understand its challenges and risks. Staying informed about market trends and regularly reviewing and adjusting your investment strategy is crucial for the long-term.

Pros of Investing in the Stock Market

Investing in the stock market offers numerous advantages that can contribute to an investor’s long-term financial stability.

Investing in stocks is an easy and accessible way to potentially generate high returns even with a small amount of money. Historically, the stock market has outperformed other investment avenues like bonds or savings accounts, offering average annual returns that can significantly outpace inflation. [1]

This means that over time, invested capital can grow substantially, especially when dividends are reinvested.

Additionally, the stock market provides investors with a range of investment options, from individual stocks to mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), allowing for diversified portfolios that can help mitigate risk.

Unlike real estate, stocks are highly liquid, meaning they can be bought and sold quickly. The liquidity of stocks makes it easy to access your money when you need it. It is also low maintenance since stock investments don’t require physical maintenance or dealing with tenants. [1]

Cons of Investing in the Stock Market

Just like real estate investing, the stock market also carries risks that investors need to be aware of. Market volatility is the main one. Stock prices can fluctuate wildly due to economic events, political instability, changes in interest rates, and even natural disasters. [2]

This volatility can lead to substantial financial losses, especially for those who invest heavily in a single stock or sector. Additionally, there is the risk of company-specific issues like poor management, fraud, or business failure, which may cause the value of an investment to plummet. This is especially significant since investors have little to no control over the company’s operations or management.

Investing in stocks requires a significant amount of time and effort to research and monitor investments. This can be challenging for investors without a financial background. [2]

Which is Right for You?

Real estate investing offers tangible assets, rental income, tax advantages, and potential appreciation. On the other hand, the stock market offers greater liquidity, meaning you can buy and sell stocks relatively quickly.

Choosing between real estate and the stock market depends on your individual circumstances and investment goals. But savvy investors will tell you that there is actually no need to choose one over the other. [1]

It is important to diversify your portfolio to mitigate risk, spreading investments across different sectors and asset classes to avoid overexposure to any single investment. This is why many investors do a bit of both.

The Best Real Estate Investment for Accredited Investors: Multifamily Syndication

Whether you invest in real estate, the stock market, or both, depends on your personal preferences, financial situation, and goals. Each has its unique advantages and disadvantages, and the right choice varies from one investor to another.

Carefully consider your investment horizon, risk tolerance, and the level of involvement you’re comfortable with to make the best decision for your future.

If you are an accredited investor looking to add real estate to your investment portfolio, you should consider multifamily syndication.

Multifamily syndication solves some of the problems we mentioned earlier about how real estate investing requires a significant upfront investment and how investors need to spend a lot of time on property management. Here is how it works:

A real estate syndication deal involves multiple investors pooling their financial resources together in order to buy a single real estate property. With several investors providing a portion of the capital, it becomes easier to purchase properties that are normally too expensive to acquire for a lone investor. This is why multifamily syndication is the most popular type of syndication deal, even though it can be done with any type of real estate. [3]

Multifamily properties like apartment communities and condominiums are larger, more expensive, and generally more difficult to purchase if you are a lone investor. They are also associated with strong, predictable cash flow. This is why multifamily syndication is so appealing to accredited investors.

Through real estate syndication, you can own a multifamily property without having to spend millions of dollars and take on all the risk by yourself.

Syndication deals are arranged by syndicators or sponsors who serve as the general partner (GP). They put the deal together, creating and executing a business plan. The syndicator is the one to locate the investment property, conduct due diligence, secure the loan, and look for accredited investors who will participate in the syndication. [3]

On the other hand, investors serve as limited partners (LPs) and have limited liabilities and responsibilities in the investment. They only provide a percentage of the capital needed to acquire the property and pay certain fees to get the syndication deal going. Beyond that, they no longer have to worry about the investment property. [3]

In exchange for their investment, accredited investors earn a share of the investment’s cash flow. This may be distributed on a monthly or quarterly basis. Depending on the deal structure, they may also get a share of the equity upon resale. However, every deal is different.

Investors should still perform their due diligence before participating in a syndication deal. Carefully analyze the profit split and all the other details of the syndication before joining. These details should be available through the private placement memorandum (PPM) or syndication agreement. [3]

Thanks to its low correlation with other assets like stocks, real estate investing is generally considered one of the safer investment strategies out there. However, multifamily syndication is an even safer option.

In fact, you don’t even have to worry about property management since the syndicator will take care of that as well. Accredited investors can just sit back, relax, and enjoy their investment.

Work With BAM Capital for the Best Multifamily Real Estate Syndication Deals

With real estate syndication, investors get to enjoy the benefits of owning real estate, but with much fewer drawbacks. Since the syndicator will take care of property management, multifamily syndication is a true passive investment in real estate. With this investment strategy, you can avoid all the headaches associated with being a landlord like managing an entire building full of tenants.

Keep in mind that even multifamily syndication has its risks. For example, syndication deals tend to last for several years, so investors should be comfortable with a bit of illiquidity. You will not have access to your funds for a significant period of time.

This is why most syndication deals are exclusive to accredited investors. Accredited investors have the experience and knowledge necessary to assess these deals properly. Thanks to their annual income and net worth, they also have the financial safety net needed to protect themselves in case an investment does not work out. This is why the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) allows them to invest in unregistered securities.

That said, it is still important to choose a syndicator that is trustworthy and reliable. This is a passive investment, so you will have to rely on the syndicator to make all the important decisions moving forward.

Work with an industry leader with a track record for excellence. Choose BAM Capital.

BAM Capital is an Indianapolis-based syndicator that is known for its award-winning investment strategy that creates forced appreciation while mitigating investor risk. In fact, BAM Capital now has over $700 million AUM and 5,000+ units. [4]

BAM Capital focuses on high-quality multifamily real estate properties that have in-place cash flow and proven upside potential, particularly those that are Class A, A-, and B++. [4]

As a vertically integrated company, BAM Capital can guide you through every step of the syndication process. They can handle everything: from acquiring the properties to renovating and managing them.

No investment is without risk. Make sure to consult your investment advisor or speak to a BAM Capital investment team member before making any financial decisions.

For accredited investors who want to enjoy passive income and all the other benefits of being in multifamily syndication, schedule a call with BAM Capital and invest today.



[1]: https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/investing/real-estate-vs-stocks-which-is-the-better-investment

[2]: https://www.investopedia.com/investing/reasons-invest-real-estate-vs-stock-market/

[3]: https://multifamilyrefinance.com/apartment-investing-blog/multifamily-syndication#important

[4]: https://capital.thebamcompanies.com/