
Why this Property?​

When you invest in multifamily syndication, it’s typically part of a fund. With BAM Capital, our Funds fill up quickly. When we decide to purchase a property, it’s based on our ability to make property improvements, management changes, and facility improvements, as well as increase rents when they are below industry standards. We typically invest in areas we know well, typically Midwest properties.

What Is The Expected ROI?

Return on investment (ROI) in Real Estate is a crucial factor in evaluating the success of any real estate investment, and at BAM Capital, we take it very seriously. ROI represents the amount of money an investor can expect to earn in relation to the amount of capital they initially invested. ROI is calculated as a percentage of the initial investment and is often used to compare different investment opportunities.

At BAM Capital, we strive to provide our investors with attractive ROI by utilizing our experience and expertise to identify and execute on well-located and well-managed multifamily properties. Our investment strategy involves identifying value-add opportunities, which allows us to enhance the physical and operational aspects of the properties we acquire, thus creating additional cash flow and equity for our investors.

We understand that our investors want to see a return on their investment as quickly as possible, so we focus on implementing our business plan efficiently and effectively. We aim to improve the properties we acquire quickly while maintaining high standards of quality and integrity. Our goal is to provide our investors with consistent, reliable cash flow while also generating long-term appreciation.

At BAM Capital, we believe that the success of any investment is based on a partnership between the investor and the sponsor. See our “syndication structure” article to learn more about how a real estate syndication program is put together. We are committed to being transparent with our investors and providing them with regular updates on the progress of their investments. Our team of experienced professionals strives to exceed our investors’ expectations by providing them with exceptional service and attention to detail.

At BAM Capital, we believe that ROI is a critical factor in evaluating the success of any investment. We focus on identifying value-add opportunities and executing our business plan efficiently to maximize cash flow and equity for our investors. We aim to provide our investors with consistent, reliable returns while maintaining high standards of quality and transparency.

What Is The Cap Rate?

Capitalization rate (cap rate) is a key metric used to evaluate the potential return on investment for multifamily properties. At BAM Capital, we understand the importance of cap rates in assessing the viability of investment opportunities, and we use this metric extensively in our analysis. See our Cap Rate Calculator

Cap rate is a measure of a property’s net operating income (NOI) in relation to its current market value. In other words, it represents the return an investor can expect to receive on their investment in a property, based on the property’s income potential. Cap rates are expressed as a percentage, and the higher the cap rate, the more attractive the investment opportunity.

At BAM Capital, we use cap rate as a tool to identify investment opportunities that have the potential to provide our investors with strong returns. 

We focus on acquiring multifamily properties in markets that demonstrate strong growth potential and high demand for rental units. By analyzing the property’s NOI, we can determine the appropriate cap rate for the investment opportunity and use that information to make informed investment decisions.

We believe that cap rate is a critical metric in evaluating the risk and return of an investment opportunity. At BAM Capital, we strive to identify properties with cap rates that are in line with our investors’ investment goals and expectations. Our experienced team of professionals has a proven track record of identifying value-add opportunities and executing on our business plans to maximize cash flow and equity for our investors.

Will This Be Cashflow Positive? And Within What Time Period?

Cash flow is a crucial concept in real estate investment, and at BAM Capital, we believe that it is one of the most important factors in evaluating the success of any investment opportunity. Cash flow represents the income generated by a property after all expenses have been paid, and it is a key metric used to assess the potential return on investment.

At BAM Capital, we focus on acquiring multifamily properties that have the potential to generate strong and consistent cash flow. We seek out properties that are well-located and well-maintained, with solid rental histories and reliable tenant bases. By analyzing the property’s cash flow, we can determine the potential return on investment and make informed investment decisions.

We believe that cash flow is an essential component of any real estate investment strategy. It provides investors with regular income and allows them to generate returns while also building equity in the property. At BAM Capital, we strive to maximize cash flow for our investors by identifying value-add opportunities and executing on our business plans to improve the properties we acquire.

Our experienced team of professionals has a proven track record of identifying opportunities to increase cash flow through strategic renovations, operational improvements, and effective property management. We believe that by focusing on generating strong and consistent cash flow, we can provide our investors with reliable returns and help them achieve their investment goals.

Is This a Passive or Active Investment Play?

Active investments involve direct ownership of a property or properties, requiring investors to be actively involved in the day-to-day management of the asset. This type of investment is typically suited for experienced investors with the knowledge and expertise to manage a real estate asset effectively. Active investments require a significant time commitment and can be more challenging to manage than passive investments. However, they can also offer the potential for higher returns.

Passive investments, on the other hand, are less hands-on and require less involvement from investors. In this type of investment, investors provide capital to a sponsor or syndicator who acquires and manages a real estate asset. Passive investors receive regular cash flow distributions and share in the profits generated by the investment.

This type of investment is typically suited for investors who prefer a more hands-off approach to real estate investing.

At BAM Capital, we offer passive real estate investment opportunities through our multifamily syndication programs. We acquire and manage high-quality multifamily properties and provide our investors with regular cash flow distributions and the potential for long-term appreciation. Our team of experienced professionals handles all aspects of the asset management process, including acquisitions, renovations, leasing, and property management. This allows our investors to enjoy the benefits of real estate ownership without the day-to-day responsibilities of managing the asset.

What is the IRR?

Internal rate of return (IRR) is a key metric used to evaluate the potential return on investment for real estate assets. At BAM Capital, we use IRR extensively in our analysis to assess the viability of investment opportunities and make informed investment decisions.

IRR represents the annualized rate of return that an investor can expect to receive on their investment over the life of the investment. It takes into account the time value of money and factors in the timing and amount of cash flow distributions, the purchase price, and the sale price of the asset. The higher the IRR, the more attractive the investment opportunity.

At BAM Capital, we focus on acquiring multifamily properties that have the potential to generate strong and consistent cash flow and appreciate in value over time. By analyzing the potential cash flow and appreciation of a property, we can determine the appropriate IRR for the investment opportunity and use that information to make informed investment decisions.

We believe that IRR is an essential metric in evaluating the potential return on investment for real estate assets. It provides investors with a comprehensive view of the investment opportunity, taking into account both the cash flow and the appreciation of the asset over time. Our experienced team of professionals has a proven track record of identifying value-add opportunities and executing on our business plans to maximize IRR for our investors.

What is the CapEx?

Capital expenditures, or CapEx, are expenses incurred by real estate investors to maintain or improve the condition and value of a property. At BAM Capital, we view CapEx as an essential component of our investment strategy and believe that well-planned CapEx investments can increase the value and cash flow of a property.

CapEx investments typically include large, one-time expenses such as major renovations, repairs, or upgrades to a property’s physical structure or systems. For example, installing a new roof, replacing outdated plumbing or electrical systems, or upgrading the landscaping are all examples of CapEx investments. CapEx investments can be a significant expense, but they can also provide a substantial return on investment by increasing the value and appeal of a property.

At BAM Capital, we carefully analyze each property we acquire and develop a detailed CapEx plan to enhance the property’s value and cash flow. Our CapEx investments are designed to improve the physical condition of the property, enhance the tenant experience, and increase the rental income generated by the property.

We believe that CapEx investments are critical to the long-term success of any real estate investment. By investing in the property’s physical condition and systems, we can improve its value and cash flow, providing investors with reliable returns and long-term appreciation.

What Are The Tax Benefits of Investing In Real Estate?

Please note this is not tax advice. As a real estate investment company, BAM Capital understands the tax benefits of owning investment properties. One of the main benefits is the ability to depreciate the property over time, reducing taxable income and generating significant tax savings. 

Additionally, expenses such as repairs, maintenance, and management fees can be deducted from taxable income, further reducing the tax liability of the property owner. 

Furthermore, if an investor holds the property for more than a year, they can take advantage of favorable long-term capital gains tax rates when they sell the property. At BAM Capital, we understand the importance of maximizing tax benefits for our investors and work closely with our accounting team to ensure that our investments are structured in a way that maximizes tax savings and benefits for our investors.

Get to Know Your Investment Team

Accredited investors seeking to invest in multifamily syndication can benefit greatly from partnering with BAM Capital. Our company has a proven track record of successfully acquiring, managing, and adding value to multifamily properties. With over $300,000,000 of invested monies, $1.025 billion in transactions and 6,000 units and growing, BAM Capital is poised to help accredited investors reach their passive income goals for real estate ownership.

Our team consists of seasoned professionals with expertise in all aspects of real estate investment, including acquisitions, asset management, renovation, leasing, and property management.

At BAM Capital, we are committed to delivering solid and consistent returns to our investors through our multifamily syndication programs.

  1. What factors influenced your decision to invest in this particular real estate market?

  2. How long have you been involved in this market?

  3. What is the largest employer in the area where this property is located?

  4. Can you provide some information about the submarket where this property is located?

  5. Are there any other ongoing projects or developments in the same area as this property?

  6. Have you undertaken any other projects in this same submarket before?

  7. When was this property originally constructed?

  8. What do you find appealing about this particular asset class?

  9. Are there any aspects of this asset class that you don’t find appealing?

  10. How many units are included in this investment property?

  11. What is the unit mix of this property?

  12. How does the cost per unit compare to the average cost for similar properties in the area?

  13. What is the current occupancy rate of this property?

  14. What is the projected stabilized occupancy rate for this property?

  15. What is the median income of the current tenants of this property?

  16. What is your business plan for this investment?

  17. What are the projected premiums for renovated units, and how were these projections determined?

  18. What percentage of the total funding is designated for the down payment?

  19. How much of the total funding will be allocated for capital expenditures?

  20. What are the projected returns for this investment?

  21. What is the overall equity multiple for this investment?

  22. How is the deal structured for this real estate investment?

  23. Are there any preferred returns offered to investors, and if not, why?

  24. How frequently will passive investor distributions be paid out (monthly, quarterly, etc.)?

  25. What is the projected hold time for this investment, and how was this determined?

  26. What will happen if the commercial real estate market is soft when the projected hold time ends?

  27. How will investors be kept informed of the progress of this investment?

  28. Will there be an acquisition fee for this investment?

  29. Will there be an asset management fee for this investment?

  30. Will there be a refinance fee or disposition fee for this investment?

  31. What will happen if I have an emergency and need access to my investment funds?

  32. Who will be responsible for property management for this investment?

  33. How many similar deals have the property managers managed in the past?

  34. What is the reason that the owner is selling this property?

  35. How did you first learn about this investment opportunity?

  36. How much experience do you have with this particular asset class?

  37. What is the total amount of the loan for this investment?

  38. What type of loan are you obtaining for this investment?

  39. Is the debt recourse or non-recourse?

  40. What are the terms of the loan for this investment?

  41. What is the LTV (loan-to-value) ratio for this investment?

  42. What is the projected debt coverage ratio for year one of this investment?

  43. Have you personally visited and inspected the investment property?

  44. Who else is involved in the investment team, and what are their respective roles and responsibilities?

  45. Have you previously worked together as a team on real estate investing deals?

  46. What will happen to the investment if you are unable to continue participating due to unforeseen circumstances?

  47. Is this offering open to both accredited and non-accredited investors, or only accredited investors?

  48. Is this investment opportunity being offered under a 506(b) or 506(c) exemption, or a different type of exemption?

  49. Have you ever participated as a passive real estate investor in the past?

  50. What is your ultimate goal in pursuing syndication investments?

  51. Would you be willing to provide me with some references for previous investments you have managed?

  52. Is the amount of funding being raised sufficient to cover anticipated capital expenditures?

  53. What are the chances of investors being asked for additional capital (i.e., a capital call) during the course of the investment?

  54. What is the purchase cap rate for this investment property?

  55. What is the projected reversion cap rate (i.e., the expected cap rate at the time of sale)?

  56. What steps have you taken to stress test this investment deal and evaluate potential risks?

  57. Have you personally visited and conducted market research on comparable properties in the area surrounding this investment property?

  58. Am I able to visit the investment property in person prior to making a decision to invest?

  59. Do you require a loan guarantor for this investment, and if so, who is the guarantor?

  60. What is the worst-case scenario in the event that investors lose money on this investment?

  61. What is your process for conducting due diligence on investment opportunities?

  62. What was your professional background before becoming involved in commercial real estate investing?

  63. What inspired you to pursue syndication investments specifically?

  64. Can you tell me about a time during a previous investment where things did not go as planned?

  65. Do you require any assistance with the earnest money deposit (EMD) for this investment?

  66. What incentives are offered to investors who help with the EMD?

  67. When will the EMD become non-refundable?

  68. What happens if you are unable to perform after the EMD has become non-refundable?

  69. Is it possible to invest in this syndication using retirement funds?

  70. What is the minimum investment amount required for this opportunity?

  71. Is there a maximum investment amount that can be contributed to this investment?

  72. Who is responsible for managing the assets and/or property for this investment?

  73. Who is responsible for managing accounting and financial reporting for this investment?

  74. When can investors expect to receive Schedule K-1 tax documents?

  75. Will you be conducting a cost segregation study for this investment?

  76. What is the plan if economic conditions or market trends change and the investment property cannot be sold as anticipated?

  77. Does your lender offer loan extensions, and if so, what are the associated costs?

  78. Are you personally investing your own money into this investment opportunity?

  79. What are the available methods for submitting investment funds, such as wire transfer or check?

  80. What is the deadline for submitting investment funds?

  81. Will you be hosting an investor webinar to provide more information about this investment opportunity?

  82. What percentage of units in the investment property will be renovated, and what is the reason for this decision?

  83. What are the first three steps you plan to take to execute the investment strategy once the deal has closed?

  84. Will the investment property be rebranded after the deal has closed?

  85. If you could change one thing about this investment property, what would it be?

  86. What are the most significant risks associated with investing