
What Are Three Reasons to Invest in Multifamily Real Estate?

by | Jan 9, 2024 | Accredited Investor, BAM Blog, Blog, Real Estate Investing | 2 comments

Investors who are looking to diversify their investment portfolio while generating passive income should consider multifamily investing.

Multifamily real estate investing, also known as apartment investing, involves purchasing and managing properties with multiple units. Examples include apartment communities, duplexes, triplexes, condominiums or larger buildings. Investing in these properties is a good way to generate additional income in the form of monthly rent. [1]

Real estate in general is a good choice for those who are unable to withstand the stock market’s volatility. Real estate investing is also attractive because of the availability of several different strategies. Regardless of your investment philosophies, there is a way to invest in real estate that aligns with them, whether you want to take a more passive role or wish to grow your capital actively. [1]

A multifamily real estate investment allows you to own several units within a single property. This form of investment provides various advantages, including economies of scale, diversified income streams from multiple tenants, and potential tax benefits.

This type of investment has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. In this article, we’ll explore three of the most compelling reasons to invest in multifamily real estate.

Investing in Multifamily Real Estate for Steady Cash Flow

One of the main reasons investors are drawn to multifamily real estate is the potential for steady cash flow. Unlike single-family properties, which typically have only one tenant, multifamily properties have multiple units, which means multiple streams of rental income.

Investing in multifamily real estate can be an excellent strategy for generating strong and consistent cash flow. As long as the units are occupied, the investor should receive regular rental income. And because multifamily properties have plenty of units, investors do not have to worry as much about vacancies affecting their cash flow. [2]

Multifamily real estate properties also tend to appreciate in value over time. They can even offer a hedge against inflation because rental prices increase as cost of living increases. Your rental income still has the potential to increase even during an economic downturn. [2]

When the property is well-maintained and managed efficiently, it can attract and retain tenants more effectively than single-family homes, contributing to its consistent cash flow. The ability to generate steady income makes it an appealing investment option for those looking for long-term wealth accumulation in the real estate market.

Economies of Scale

Economies of scale is another reason for investing in multifamily real estate. Owning multiple units within a single property comes with several cost-related benefits. This means that the cost of managing and maintaining multiple units is often lower than managing and maintaining multiple single-family properties.

For example, if you own ten single-family properties, you would have to pay for ten separate roofs, ten separate HVAC systems, and ten separate sets of landscaping. [2]

On the other hand, with a multifamily property, you only have to pay for one roof, one HVAC system, and one set of landscaping for multiple units. This is called economies of scale.

The management and maintenance costs per unit tend to decrease as the number of units increases. Expenses such as landscaping, utilities, and property management can also be significantly lower per unit when spread across multiple tenants within a multifamily property compared to managing individual single-family homes. [2]

This consolidation enables investors to achieve greater operational efficiency and maximize returns on their investment. With this, investors can enjoy significant cost savings. This allows them to maximize their profits, which can help them build their wealth in the long run.

Diversification and Risk Mitigation

The third reason investors go for multifamily real estate properties is diversification and risk mitigation, which go hand in hand.

Adding a multifamily property to your investment portfolio, such as an apartment community, helps with diversification. These properties provide a level of stability and consistency when it comes to income generation, as we mentioned. But it’s not just about the strong cash flow: this approach helps spread risk across various tenants, reducing the impact of vacancy in general.

Unlike single-unit properties that stop generating income as soon as the tenant leaves, multifamily properties have no such problem. This diversity in occupancy helps mitigate the risk of income loss that might occur if one tenant were to move out, as the income from other units can still support expenses. With this investment strategy, you do not have to put all your eggs in one basket. [2]

We also discussed above how multifamily real estate tends to perform well even when the economy is not doing well. This is because people always need a place to live. During economic downturns, more people might even opt for renting over buying.

This consistent demand can protect multifamily properties from drastic market fluctuations. Additionally, the ability to scale the investment by owning multiple units allows for increased potential returns while still maintaining a level of predictability.

Diversifying across different locations and property types within the multifamily sector can further spread risk. Because of all these qualities, multifamily real estate investments can offer a balance of stability, consistent cash flow, and diversification—all while having the potential for growth.

Having a multifamily real estate property in your investment portfolio offers a lot of benefits. With that in mind, we should also mention that it comes with its own set of challenges. No investment is completely risk-free after all.

Challenges of Multifamily Real Estate Investing

While investing in multifamily real estate can be a lucrative venture, it still comes with its own set of challenges. Despite being more consistent than other investments during economic downturns, it can still be affected by changes in interest rates, market demand, and other local economic conditions. [3]

While job losses may push more people to rent, it can also make it more difficult to find stable and reliable tenants.

There are also regulatory and legal challenges you should know about. Real estate investments are subject to a myriad of regulations and legalities, especially in multifamily properties where there are multiple tenants.

Compliance with housing laws, zoning regulations, fair housing laws, and tenant-landlord laws is essential. Eviction processes, lease agreements, and tenant rights add layers of complexity that investors must navigate carefully to avoid legal issues or disputes that could affect the investment’s profitability. [3]

But one of the biggest challenges when it comes to multifamily investing is property management. When you own real estate, you have to take care of it.

Managing multiple units within a multifamily property can be more complex and time-consuming than handling a single-family home. Not only do you have to manage a much larger real estate property, you also have to deal with higher tenant turnover and higher maintenance costs.

Handling multiple leases, addressing different tenant needs, taking care of repairs, handling emergencies, and dealing with maintenance requests all at the same time can be overwhelming. This is especially true if you have no experience being a landlord.

Finding reliable property managers or building an efficient management system becomes crucial to ensure smooth operations and tenant retention.

Navigating these challenges often requires a comprehensive understanding of the local market and diligent property management. Despite the obstacles, many investors find success in multifamily real estate investing. As always, you have to do your due diligence in order to keep up with these challenges so that you can reap its benefits.

Best Alternative for Accredited Investors: Multifamily Syndication

There is a way for real estate investors to enjoy all the benefits mentioned above while limiting the challenges and risks. While they are mostly exclusive to accredited investors, multifamily syndication deals are the best alternative for multifamily investors.

A real estate syndication deal offers several advantages that make it an attractive alternative to traditional real estate investing.

It has become a popular method of financing the purchase of real estate properties in the higher price ranges. The term “syndication” actually has no precise legal significance. However, a syndication deal refers to the investment strategy wherein multiple investors pool their resources together to purchase a real estate investment property. [4]

The primary benefit of a syndication deal is that it gives investors access to larger investment properties that might be financially out of reach for an individual investor.

Generally speaking, multifamily properties are larger and more expensive, therefore being more difficult to acquire for a lone investor. It is also riskier to try to buy an apartment community all by yourself because you would have to bear all the risks yourself should the investment not work out.

But in a real estate syndication, multiple investors pool their funds and provide the capital to purchase a single multifamily property. This allows them to diversify their portfolios by owning a share in a larger asset, spreading risk across multiple units or buildings instead of relying on a single property.

Real estate syndication can be done with any type of real estate. But because of all the benefits mentioned above, multifamily syndication is the most popular type. Multifamily syndication provides passive income opportunities, thanks to the strong and reliable cash flow of apartment communities.

Syndication deals are arranged by a syndicator, also known as a sponsor, who puts the deal together, creates and executes a business plan, and looks for investors who will participate in the deal. They take on most of the responsibilities in the syndication deal. Meanwhile, investors take on a passive role and have limited liabilities in the multifamily syndication. [4]

Real estate investors earn a percentage of the monthly cash flow in exchange for their investment. Depending on the deal structure, they may also earn a share of the equity upon resale. The profit split will be detailed in the syndication agreement or private placement memorandum (PPM) before investors decide to participate. Investors should perform their due diligence and look into the details of the syndication deal before providing their capital.

Once the property is acquired and operational, investors can benefit from rental income without having to actively manage its day-to-day operations. The syndicator will handle property management, maintenance, tenant acquisition, and other operational aspects, making this a true passive investment in real estate. [4]

You can own a multifamily property without all the headaches of being a landlord. No need for hands-on involvement.

Multifamily syndication offers a pathway for investors to leverage collective resources, benefit from passive income, and potentially achieve higher returns by tapping into the advantages of scale and professional management in the multifamily real estate market.

Work With BAM Capital for the Best Multifamily Real Estate Syndication Deals

Multifamily syndication is the perfect investment strategy for accredited investors who want to own a large multifamily property but do not want to take on all the responsibilities that come with it. If you are looking for a passive investment in real estate, this is the perfect fit for you.

But because multifamily syndication is a passive investment and the syndicator will be the one making all the decisions, it is essential to choose a trustworthy syndicator.

Real estate investments are generally illiquid and multifamily properties are no different. If you join a multifamily syndication deal, you have to be comfortable with not having access to your funds for an extended period of time. Multifamily syndication deals last for years, and so investors need to be comfortable with that level of illiquidity.

This is why most syndication deals are exclusive to accredited investors. Unlike regular investors, accredited investors have a financial safety net that can protect them in case the investment does not work out. Their financial sophistication and investing knowledge allows them to assess the risks of a syndication deal. Learn how to become an accredited investor

Multifamily syndication is comparatively lower risk when it comes to real estate investment opportunities, but accredited investors can choose the best deals to help them build their wealth.

This is why accredited investors love working with BAM Capital. This Indianapolis-based syndicator prioritizes Class A, A-, and B++ multifamily properties in the Midwest. They only go for high-quality properties with in-place cash flow and proven upside potential. [5]

BAM Capital is known for its award-winning investment strategy that creates forced appreciation while mitigating investor risk. This syndicator is an industry leader and that is partly due to their track record for excellence.

BAM Capital is also a vertically-integrated company, meaning they can guide you through every step of the syndication process, from property acquisition to management to renovations. In fact, BAM Capital now has over $700 million AUM and 5,000+ units. [5]

No investment is without risk. Make sure to consult your investment advisor or speak to a BAM Capital investment team member before making any financial decisions.

For accredited investors who want to enjoy the passive income and all the other benefits of being in a multifamily syndication, schedule a call with BAM Capital and invest today.


[1]: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/041216/3-reasons-invest-multifamily-real-estate.asp

[2]: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2023/02/24/taking-advantage-of-multifamily-real-estate/?sh=6373a5705209

[3]: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2023/09/29/the-benefits-and-risks-of-investing-in-multifamily-properties/?sh=29203e63c9cd

[4]: https://www.dre.ca.gov/files/pdf/refbook/ref14.pdf

[5]: https://capital.thebamcompanies.com/