
How Do I Invest in Real Estate as a Doctor?

by | Feb 19, 2024 | Accredited Investor, BAM Blog, Blog, Real Estate Investing | 4 comments

How Doctors Leverage Real Estate Investing To Grow Their Wealth

Real estate investing can offer many different benefits for doctors. It is an attractive avenue for wealth accumulation that also provides diversification and a hedge against market volatility.

While the stock market can experience significant fluctuations, real estate is typically a lot more stable, especially over the long term. This stability is appealing to doctors because sometimes they face certain challenges like changes in healthcare policies, shifts in patient volumes, or personal health crises.

By diversifying their investment portfolios with real estate, doctors can mitigate the risks associated with market downturns and protect their wealth. Real estate investing helps them focus on retirement while reducing their workload. [1]

Real estate investing gives doctors the opportunity to generate a steady passive income. Many doctors lead busy lives, often working long hours and balancing demanding schedules.

But certain real estate investments allow them to build their wealth through rental income with minimal effort once the initial setup is complete. Real estate can even appreciate over time, becoming more valuable as time passes. [1]

This passive income can serve as a valuable supplement to their primary income from medical practice. Doctors can enjoy financial security and flexibility with the right investment in real estate. Here are some important tips to keep in mind when investing in real estate as a doctor.

Understand and Make Use of Your Financial Situation

It’s no secret that doctors can make a lot of money. Actual numbers may vary from one physician to another, but this profession tends to be considered one of the highest salaried occupations. With around 135 specialties and subspecialties, there are plenty of opportunities to build wealth in the field of healthcare. [1]

As an investor, this is something you can take advantage of. Before investing, assess your current financial situation, including your income, expenses, debts, and savings. This allows you to determine how much capital you can allocate into a real estate investment. Remember that a real estate investment should not jeopardize your financial stability.

As a doctor, you may have a high income, which can give you access to a wider range of investment options in real estate.

Physicians are generally able to qualify for favorable financing terms. Lenders are more willing to extend credit because their profession often comes with job stability.

Educate Yourself

Understanding your financial situation enables you to develop a realistic investment strategy that will help you reach your financial goals. But it is also important to understand the real estate market, the various financing options, the legal aspects, and the concept of property management.

In order to make the most out of your investment, you need to be able to navigate the complex landscape of real estate investing. Educate yourself on real estate principles, investment strategies, and market trends so you can make informed decisions moving forward. With enough knowledge, you can mitigate risks and maximize returns. [2]

Consider reading books, taking courses, listening to podcasts, attending seminars, or seeking advice from experienced investors. These resources can provide valuable insights into the world of real estate investing.

Do not forget to look into local market trends, especially in the areas where you are considering investing. Take a look at property values, vacancy rates, and rental demand. This will paint a picture of the local market dynamics, which will allow you to pinpoint the most promising investment opportunities. [2]

Once you are a full-fledged real estate investor, you still have to stay updated on changes in the market so that you can adapt your investment approach accordingly.

Define Your Investment Goals

This is a common tip given to new real estate investors, but it applies to doctors as well. Defining your investment goals is essential regardless of your profession.

Whether it is to generate passive income to supplement your primary income or building long-term wealth for retirement, a well-defined investment goal gives you something to work towards. It allows investors to tailor their real estate investments accordingly. [2]

Additionally, specifying your timeframe, desired rate of return, and preferred level of involvement will help you select the right properties that align with your objectives.

Defining your investment goals early on provides a roadmap for success and ensures that your real estate portfolio serves your unique needs as a doctor. [2]

Choose the Right Investment Strategy

There are various ways to invest in real estate, including rental properties, house flipping, real estate investment trusts (REITs), real estate crowdfunding, and real estate syndications. Each strategy presents unique advantages and considerations. [2]

With their financial situation and investment goals in mind, doctors should be able to choose the right investment strategy in real estate.

Strategies such as long-term buy-and-hold investments can provide stable returns and appreciation over time. This is ideal for doctors looking to build wealth for retirement. Alternatively, short-term strategies like house flipping can offer higher potential returns, however, they require more active involvement.

Diversify Your Portfolio

As a real estate investor, it is wise to avoid putting all your investment capital into real estate. Diversification across different asset classes can help mitigate risk. Consider allocating a portion of your investment portfolio to real estate while also investing in stocks, bonds, and other assets.

The idea behind diversification is that a variety of investments will yield a higher return. Investors also face lower risk by investing in different vehicles. [3]

While real estate investing is generally considered stable, real estate markets are still subject to fluctuations due to economic conditions, interest rates, and local market dynamics.

Aside from investing in different asset classes, it is also a good idea for doctors to invest in different types of real estate. By diversifying across different types of real estate assets such as residential, commercial, and mixed-use properties, it is possible to reduce the impact of any negative developments in one sector.

Diversification can even help provide different income streams from various property types and locations. For instance, investing in both urban and suburban properties or in different regions can provide a hedge against localized market downturns.

Manage Risk

Even real estate investing involves risks. This is why conducting thorough due diligence, purchasing adequate insurance coverage, and having contingency plans in place are important.

As a doctor, your primary focus should be on your medical practice, and any financial setbacks from a poorly managed real estate investment could distract you from your duties.

Risk tolerance is one of the most essential factors to consider before investing in real estate. Every type of investment carries some level of risk, and investors have different levels of risk tolerance. Your tolerance may be high, low, or somewhere in between. [1]

Since real estate investments generally require a substantial capital investment, it can be difficult to recover if the investment fails. Managing risk through due diligence, diversification, and maintaining liquidity can help mitigate potential losses and safeguard your financial stability.

Consider Investing in Rental Properties

Rental properties can provide a steady stream of passive income from tenants through rental payments. Doctors who wish to capitalize on this should look for properties in areas with strong rental demand, positive cash flow potential, and potential for appreciation.

A reliable source of passive income is a great way to supplement your earnings from your medical practice.

Unfortunately, rental properties are not just passive income streams. They require a significant amount of upfront and ongoing capital. At the same time, you will also have to take on the role of landlord—a title that comes with its own set of challenges. [4]

Securing tenants and sifting through applications will be one of your main responsibilities. This means ensuring they have a solid record of on-time payment, steady income, and references from past landlords. Even then, there is no guarantee that a tenant will be a good one until they sign a lease. [4]

Most doctors do not have the time or energy to handle the day-to-day operations of a real estate rental property. Hiring a property management company to do all the work for you may be a good idea, but it can be costly, especially if it’s just a single family property.

A multifamily property has plenty of units and tenants generating a constant stream of income that justifies the expense of hiring a property manager.

While the prospect of passive income via real estate can be an exciting thought for many physicians, it requires you to handle property management, and that is something you may not be interested in. [4]

A good alternative that will let you enjoy all the benefits of rental real estate without the hassle of becoming a landlord is multifamily syndication.

Consider Multifamily Syndication

Real estate syndication solves two of the biggest concerns investors have with rental real estate investing, which is the high barrier to entry and property management. Real estate syndication involves pooling financial resources from multiple investors to purchase a single property. This makes a lot of investment properties more accessible to investors since they no longer have to acquire it on their own. [5]

A syndication deal is put together by a syndicator or sponsor who also handles property management, meaning investors do not have to worry about running an apartment community or becoming a landlord.

As a doctor, this may be one of the most appealing investment strategies in real estate because it gives them the passive income they want from rental properties, but without the time-consuming responsibilities that come with owning one.

While a syndication deal can be done with any type of real estate, multifamily syndication is the most popular. This is because multifamily properties are larger, more difficult to acquire for a lone investor, and also more challenging to manage. Syndication deals make it much easier to participate in this type of investment.

Multifamily properties are also associated with strong and consistent cash flow, which appeals to many investors. This approach allows doctors to leverage their investment capital and access opportunities that may be out of reach for them normally.

In a multifamily syndication, the syndicator serves as the general partner (GP) who takes on most of the responsibilities in the investment. They will put the deal together, locate the investment property, look for investors who will participate, and execute the business plan. [5]

Investors become limited partners (LPs) who have limited liabilities and responsibilities in the investment. They will simply provide most of the capital needed to acquire the property and pay some fees to help get the investment property running. Other than that, no further input is required. [5]

In exchange for their investment, investors receive a share of the property’s cash flow, which may be distributed on a monthly or quarterly basis. Depending on the deal structure, investors may also earn a share of the equity upon resale. Remember that every deal is different and investors should do their due diligence before agreeing to join a syndication deal.

This strategy allows investors to enjoy the benefits of owning a multifamily real estate property without the headaches of property management. In fact, this approach is safer than trying to purchase an entire apartment community all by yourself.

Do keep in mind that most of these syndication deals are exclusive to accredited investors. Many doctors can fit the financial requirements to qualify as an accredited investor, making multifamily syndication an ideal investment strategy for them.

Work With BAM Capital for the Best Multifamily Real Estate Syndication Deals

For doctors who qualify as accredited investors and wish to participate in multifamily syndication, working with BAM Capital is the right move. It is important to work with a syndicator with a track record for excellence since they will be making all the decisions in the syndication moving forward.

BAM Capital is trusted by accredited investors because of their award-winning investment strategy that mitigates investor risk while creating forced appreciation. This Indianapolis-based syndicator focuses on Class A, A-, and B++ multifamily properties with in-place cash flow and proven upside potential. [6]

BAM Capital has established itself as a leader in their industry.  In fact, BAM Capital now has over $700 million AUM and 5,000+ units. [6]

This syndicator is also vertically-integrated. This allows BAM Capital to handle the entire syndication process themselves, from acquiring high-quality real estate properties to renovating and managing their daily operations. BAM Capital can guide you every step of the way.

No investment is without risk. Make sure to consult your investment advisor or speak to a BAM Capital investment team member before making any financial decisions.

For accredited investors who want to enjoy the passive income and all the other benefits of being in multifamily syndication, schedule a call with BAM Capital and invest today.


[1]: https://entremd.com/real-estate-investing-doctors/

[2]: https://medium.com/@articlesezlandlordforms/hohow-to-get-started-with-real-estate-investing-tips-for-beginners-b03d7fe3092d

[3]: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/03/072303.asp

[4]: https://www.advisorpedia.com/viewpoints/5-ways-doctors-can-invest-in-real-estate/

[5]: https://multifamilyrefinance.com/apartment-investing-blog/multifamily-syndication#important

[6]: https://capital.thebamcompanies.com/