
Midwest Multifamily Investment Opportunities 2024

by | Nov 17, 2023 | Accredited Investor, BAM Blog, Blog, Real Estate Investing | 0 comments

The Midwest region has long been considered a prime destination for real estate investment, and multifamily properties have been gaining significant traction in recent years.

For the past few years, the multifamily space has been performing incredibly well thanks to record demands for rentals and accelerated demographic changes that are attracting more people to new markets. [1]

The Midwest presents promising multifamily investment opportunities not only within the commercial real estate sector, but also in residential real estate. As the capital markets remain robust, investors are closely monitoring this region for investment opportunities.

Investing in real estate in the Midwest can be a lucrative opportunity because it generally offers more affordable real estate options compared to many coastal and metropolitan areas. Lower purchase prices mean lower barriers to entry for real estate investors.

The Midwest also offers better cash flow opportunities for investors. Rental income relative to property costs can be more favorable, leading to positive cash flow properties.

Some Midwestern cities, like Chicago, Minneapolis, and Indianapolis, have diverse economies with a range of industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, technology, and agriculture. This diversity can help insulate real estate investments from economic downturns.

While the Midwest may not see the same rapid appreciation as some coastal markets, there is still the potential for property values to appreciate over time, especially in areas experiencing economic growth.

Overall the Midwest has a robust rental market, with a significant number of renters, including college students, young professionals, and families.

Even with adjustments in cap rates and the higher interest rate environment influencing housing costs and insurance costs for property owners, the multifamily market stands out within the real estate industry thanks to strong rent growth.

As the housing market continues to evolve, savvy investors are poised to take advantage of the Midwest’s lucrative multifamily investment opportunities.

Multifamily real estate still faces certain challenges like rising interest rates and record-breaking inflation. But here we will discuss why investors should still consider investing in the multifamily sector. [1]

Multifamily Real Estate Investing

Anyone with the experience and investing knowledge could maximize the various investment opportunities offered by the multifamily real estate industry. Typically, multifamily housing sets itself apart from other asset classes as a relative safe haven during times of recession. There’s no reason to think this will change dramatically as we move into 2024. [1]

But for those who do not have enough experience, it is important to start with the basics. What exactly is multifamily real estate investing?

Multifamily real estate investing involves purchasing and owning residential properties that are designed to accommodate multiple households within a single building or complex.

These properties typically include apartment communities, townhouses, condominiums, or other structures that contain multiple individual units. Multifamily properties can range in size from a small duplex with two units to large apartment communities with hundreds of units.

Investing in multifamily real estate offers several advantages, including income generation, diversification, and economies of scale, among other things.

Multifamily properties can generate rental income from multiple tenants, providing a consistent cash flow. This income can help cover the property’s expenses and generate a profit.

Owning multiple units in a single property or complex can also spread risk and reduce the impact of vacancy or non-payment by tenants. Even if one unit is vacant, other units that remain occupied can continue to produce income. This is why multifamily investing is a good source of strong cash flow.

Meanwhile economies of scale refers to the fact that managing multiple units within a single property can be more cost-effective than managing multiple single-family properties. Property owners can often save on maintenance, insurance, and other operational expenses.

Multifamily investors can also benefit from appreciation and tax benefits. But the ones who can benefit most from this type of investment strategy are the ones who have the flexibility to change their business models depending on the real estate asset. [1]

After all, even multifamily real estate investing comes with its own set of challenges and considerations. For example, multifamily properties typically require a significant upfront investment, which may be higher than that for single-family homes. They are generally harder to obtain for a lone investor.

Additionally, managing multiple tenants, maintenance, and the day-to-day operations of a multifamily property can be more complex, especially if you do not have any experience with being a landlord.

Investors interested in multifamily real estate should conduct thorough research, consider their financial capacity, and develop a well-defined investment strategy. Many investors find success in this asset class, but it’s essential to be prepared for the responsibilities and challenges that come with multifamily real estate ownership.

Why You Should Invest in Multifamily Real Estate in 2023 (Or 2024)

Because homes are becoming less affordable, more families are choosing to rent instead of purchasing their own property. This is part of the reason why there has been an increased demand for multifamily properties. Savvy investors can capitalize on this opportunity. [2]

Aside from the benefits already mentioned above, multifamily real estate investing also has the potential for forced appreciation, which is a strategy that can increase a property’s value through improvements and proper management. Investors will often enhance common areas and unit interiors while upgrading its curb appeal to increase property value and rental income.

Real estate investors can also increase their returns by taking advantage of various tax benefits offered by multifamily investment properties. They can get deductions related to mortgage interest, depreciation, property taxes, etc. [2]

Multifamily investing can be an excellent source of passive income. Some investors avoid the headaches of property management by hiring a third party company to handle its day-to-day operations.

Investing in the Midwest specifically is a good idea because of its population growth, affordability, and stable economic growth.

Many Midwest cities are experiencing population growth, driven by job opportunities and affordability. As more people move to the region, the demand for rental housing is on the rise. Compared to major coastal cities, the Midwest offers affordable real estate investment options. This affordability allows for a more accessible entry point for real estate investors.

Several Midwest cities are also undergoing urban revitalization, creating new opportunities for investors. This process can lead to increased property values and rental income.

For those who are interested in multifamily investing but do not want to deal with the responsibilities of a landlord, there is an easier option, specifically if you are an accredited investor: multifamily syndication.

A Better Option for Multifamily Investors: What is Multifamily Syndication?

Real estate investment has long been a popular choice for those looking to build wealth, secure their financial future, or diversify their investment portfolio.

But one particularly intriguing avenue within the real estate investment world is multifamily syndication. This investment strategy has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential for high returns and the opportunity for investors to participate in large-scale real estate projects that are normally hard to access.

Multifamily syndication is a real estate investment strategy that involves a group of investors coming together to acquire and manage multifamily properties such as apartment communities, condominiums, or townhouses. This collective approach allows individual investors to pool their resources, spread out the risks, and invest in larger real estate assets that might be otherwise out of reach for lone investors.

These real estate syndication deals are typically structured as limited liability companies (LLCs) or limited partnerships (LPs). The two parties involved are the syndicators and the investors. In a syndication deal, the syndicator takes on the role of general partner while each participating investor becomes a limited partner. [3]

The syndicator solicits investment capital from passive investors who want to participate in the real estate deal. Passive investors provide the funds required for the acquisition, management, and improvement of the property in exchange for a share of the monthly cash flow and—depending on the deal structure—a share of the equity upon resale.

Take note that every deal is different and that the profit split structure should be detailed in the private placement memorandum (PPM) before you decide to join the syndication. Rental income is often distributed on a monthly or quarterly basis.

A real estate syndicator is often a knowledgeable and experienced professional who identifies potential investment opportunities, creates and executes the business plan, and looks for investors who will participate in the syndication. These deals are often exclusive to accredited investors.

While this deal can be done with any type of real estate property, multifamily syndication is the most popular among investors due to the strong and predictable cash flow. Large multifamily properties are often too expensive and therefore unviable for lone investors. But a syndication deal makes these properties more accessible.

In a group format, less upfront capital is required from each participating entry. The costs are assessed and distributed among the group. In terms of risk, this also reduces the impact of unforeseen negative situations that may occur over the syndication’s lifespan. Compare this with owning a property all by yourself and having to take on all the risks by yourself. [3]

Once the required capital is raised, the property is purchased. The syndicator manages the day-to-day operations, making decisions that affect the investment. With property management being the responsibility of the syndicator, investors no longer have to worry about becoming a landlord and handling all those tenants. The syndicator will collect rent, handle the day-to-day operations of the apartment community, handle tenant concerns, etc. This makes multifamily syndication a true passive investment.

The syndicator’s job is to reduce the burden on passive investors by making all the decisions in the syndication.

As the property generates income, profits are distributed to the passive investors based on the agreed-upon terms outlined in the legal structure. Passive investors benefit from a source of passive income generated from rental income, making multifamily syndication an attractive choice for those seeking regular cash flow.

Multifamily syndication allows investors to diversify their real estate portfolio by participating in multiple properties across different markets. This spreads out risk and minimizes the impact of any single property’s performance.

With all of this in mind, it is also worth mentioning that even multifamily syndication has its risks and challenges. As a real estate investor, it is important to be aware of these potential challenges. For example, market fluctuations, unforeseen expenses, or economic downturns can impact investment performance.

Investors should also take note of the passive nature of multifamily syndication. If you are not comfortable with delegating the decision-making authority to a syndicator, then this might not be a good fit for you. Joining a syndication deal means you have limited responsibilities and liabilities. This means you also have limited control over the property’s operations and management. It is therefore essential to work with a syndicator you trust.

The last challenge of multifamily syndication that is worth mentioning is the fact that real estate investments are generally illiquid, and multifamily syndication deals are no exception. This is why syndication deals are usually limited to accredited investors who have the financial safety net needed for such investments.

Work With BAM Capital for the Best Multifamily Syndication Deals in the Midwest Area

Not only do you have to work with a syndicator you can trust, but you also need to find one that can help you capitalize on the many investment opportunities in the Midwest area. This is where BAM Capital comes in.

BAM Capital is an Indianapolis-based syndicator with a strong Midwest focus, vertical integration, and a proven track record for excellence. It’s no surprise that they are considered an industry leader.

This syndicator focuses on Class A, A-, and B++ properties with proven upside potential and in-place cash flow. [4]

As a vertically-integrated company, BAM Capital can guide you through every step of the syndication process. Not only will they locate and acquire high quality real estate properties in the Midwest, they will also manage the property and use their award-winning investment strategy to create forced appreciation while mitigating investor risk. In fact, BAM Capital now has over $700 million AUM and 5,000+ units. [4]

No investment is without risk. Make sure to consult your investment advisor or speak to a BAM Capital investment team member before making any financial decisions.

For accredited investors who want to enjoy the passive income and all the other benefits of being in a multifamily syndication, schedule a call with BAM Capital and invest today.



[1]: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2023/02/27/multifamily-real-estate-predictions-for-2023/?sh=4d450f417d26

[2]: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2023/09/29/the-benefits-and-risks-of-investing-in-multifamily-properties/?sh=73f759953c9c

[3]: https://www.multifamily.loans/apartment-finance-blog/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-multifamily-syndication/

[4]: https://capital.thebamcompanies.com/